Crowd1 Red Flagged!

Image:itsnewsafrica After reading that Excerpt in a local Newspaper of a warning from the Kenyan Government to those carrying out operations with Crowd1, I delved into the matter and dug deeper to understand what really Crowd1 is.? Here are some of the countries that Crowd1 have been red flagged with reasons. My experience with them too. JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA : the regulator of Financial Services Providers (FSPs) has issued a public warning about Crowd1 being a suspected pyramid scheme that has been banned in Namibia and the Philippines. ‘Crowd1 is neither an authorised FSP nor a representative of one, and there is also no record of it having applied for a licence with the FSCA’, the regulator said. The FSCA has referred Crowd1 to the SA Reserve Bank, where it is being investigated. This is after reports surfaced of Eben Etzebeth and Duane Vermeulen- Springbok Rugby Players, being investors in Crowd1. The FSCA is advising the public to only con...